Are you interested in earning money while making the world a better place? If so, then social impact investing might be perfect for you. The traditional focus of investing has been to make money for investors. People put their money into the companies that they...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit American shores this past spring, millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Many businesses switched to a work from home model in order to make things work, but those that couldn’t had to close down in order to prevent the spread of...
Helping those in need is always a good thing but with the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting the United States so much, it’s even more important than ever. You may not realize it but give back during these trying times – whether it be in big or small ways –...
According to the FDIC, an estimated 24 million American households were ‘underbanked’ in 2017. These underbanked Americans tend to be poorer and less educated. These individuals can find it difficult to access mainstream financial services, such as savings...
Nobody has ever argued that volunteerism is a negative thing. As a society, we have a soft spot for those who make a difference in the world without expecting anything in return. Charitable individuals volunteer their time, money, and effort to bring smiles,...